Parker Servcies / About Us
Parker Services
We consult, sell, design, implement, program, train, and handle all your changes and growth for years to come. We will help small companies with our phone systems with their data network if they do NOT have IT knowledge. We do NOT provided general windows or mac desktop support. We no longer provide data cabling which allows everyone on staff to be telecom system orientated. We can however, suggest cable and IT service companies to help our customers.
About Parker Communications
Parker Communications has been selling and servincing phone systems for over 35 years. Through the 80 and 90 we serviced a half dozen brands as authorized dealers. Just at the end of the dot com crash Toshiba had just leap frogged the competion with an all new platform (CIX). While other telecom manufacturers were dying and laying low Toshiba invested in the future and soon became the best choice for most all of our customers. Today NEC has this spot.
Parker then became exclusive to Toshiba until a Toshiba Corporation mismanagement of there USA Westinghouse Nuclear Reactor company came up with a 4-9 billion dollar unexpected loss just befor their fiscal year end. The stock holders went nuts and Toshiba panics by taking the division chapter 11. Toshiba Telecom was in the same division as the Nuclear Reactor folks and was sold to Mitel (a Canadian phone company). We soon found out that Mitel was not anyone's friend and took Toshiba to End of Life and make a joke support and eithics.
This left Parker in a similar boat as you the customer - Searching for a new system. We wrote off some some of the folks with serious trouble (Avaya, ShoreTel, Panasonic). We omitted some our new customers said the left because they were unhappy (Cisco, Mitel)or treated small dealers poorly (Mitel). We then looked at dozen others of the main competitors. We then cherry picked best several choices that complement each other. We brought Broadview, Samsung, and ESI and certified and became authorized for these brands. Then we made friends with NEC. NEC has the best of everything in one place.
Most telecom providers have a large pool of salespeople who simply sell on commission. There is much over selling (selling more than you need) and often describe functionality that you later find out from the installer it can't be done with what you have. Then these these types of salespeople are very hard to find.
Parker has evolved to a smaller company deliverying old school service. A company principle will sell, design, program, install, train, and service your system. Very little run around. Pricipals will even answer the phone after hours, weekends and holidays. Years of experience, knowing each of our customers, personal service, and in for the duration.
Parker historically handled any telecom need. It was never about a quick sale, but a long term relationship. 95 percent of our clients have us maintain their systems in constant turn key fashion. We now refer out or work with your current vendors for cabling and IT services allowing us to focus on your telecom experience. This allows us to have all staff focus on telecom making us experts in telecom. We are more engineering based than sales based. The same parker people who sells it to you can sell, design, program, train, and maintain your system for years to come.